Investigación en TICs

nSHIELD project website

The nSHIELD project kickoff took place on the 19th of October in Brussels and the project website is now available in Our group in Mondragon Unibertsitatea is among the partners of the project.

nSHIELD is a project co-funded by the ARTEMIS JOINT UNDERTAKING (Sub-programme SP6) focused on the research of SPD (Security, Privacy, Dependability) in the context of Embedded Systems.

The nSHIELD project is, at the same time, a complement and significant technology breakthrough of pSHIELD, a pilot project funded in ARTEMIS Call 2009 as the first investigation towards the realization of the SHIELD Architectural Framework for Security, Privacy and Dependability (SPD). The roadmap, already started in the pilot project, will bring to address SPD in the context of Embedded Systems (ESs) as «built in» rather than as «add-on» functionalities, proposing and perceiving with this strategy the first step toward SPD certification for future ES.

The main task of Mondragon Unibertsitatea within the nSHIELD project is focused on threat management and intrusion detection functionalities at communication level (including mobile ad hoc networking) and information correlation. On the other hand the Software Engineering Group complements Mondragon University‘s contribution by providing its expertise in Software Product Lines to enable the improvement of the evaluation of security, privacy and dependability requirements of the embedded software.

El proyecto NSHIELD; New embedded systems architecture for multi-layer dependable solutions ha sido co-financiado por ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking, Referencia 269317 y por el Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio, Referencia ART-010000-2011-6, dentro de la convocatoria «ARTEMIS-2010-1».

Web del proyecto:

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