Formacion para Profesionales

In Company

Customized training for your company or institution

In Company, is the custom training combined with a plan of professional development, it is the most effective method for the training of professionals of a company.  This option allows you to combine general concepts and personalized practical examples, face-to-face and online training, external and internal training, conceptual classes and development of projects (learning by doing), etc.

With the In Company training the companies achieve, among other, these advantages:

  • Accelerate the process of training of persons: newcomers, new positions, professional development, etc.
  • Develop and implement new products, processes, business, etc.
  • Have a practical training which guarantees the transfer to the professional performance.


In Mondragon University are taught more than 9,000 hours In Company training per year and we train up more of 4.200 professionals