TRANSdesign is a trans-border, trans-disciplinary and trans-university learning experience, and it has already started!


[graphic design: beñat salaberria]


Yesterday 40 LEINNers and 21 Industrial Design students (currently working on their end of degree projects) had the opportunity to meet 20 students of ESTIA on a whole day working session in Bidart.

After being introduced to the topic that FAGOR proposed for the TRANSdesign experience, «Home appliances of the future for elderly people», multidisciplinary teams worked on generating crazy ideas first, and concepts later.

The main purposes of this new iniciative are to generate and share knowledge among all the students, to create closer collaboration between universities and to offer more valuable solutions for companies, by working on their projects in multidisciplinary (business, design, mechanics…) and international point of view teams.


Presenting new concepts to all the group [foto: iñigo blanco]

Next steps will bring everybody to Arrasate to work on new product-service system concepts and the experience will conclude in Irun, where concepts will be tested and presented in an engaging way.


A more detailed planning can be seen in the following timeline.

This is already happening and we can not stop it! We will keep you updated!


// Irune




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