CategoríasEgonaldia Granadako CITIC-UGR zentroan
CITIC ikerketa zentroa. CC-BY-NC-ND 2.5 etringita
Otsailetik martxo amaierara, Granadako Unibertsitatera atxikituriko CITIC (Centro de..
Urko Zurutuza, protagonista del programa Teknopolis de EiTB
El investigador Urko Zurutuza fue protagonista de un reportaje sobre la seguridad en dispositivos móviles, tema en el que desarrollan vari..
SafeCer Final Open Workshop and ARTEMIS and ITEA Co-summit 2015
The 2015 Co-summit is being celebrated on 10 & 11 March in the bcc Berlin Congress Center in Berlin, Germany. The event is jointly organis..
Development of technologies to in-process and on-machine measurement of the force for machining energy optimisation and quality management
The complexity of machining processes is increasing and the same happens with the requirements for accuracy and precision. In this context..