Mondragon University in ARROWHEAD project
Arrowhead is addressing efficiency and flexibility at the global scale by means of collaborative automation for five application vert..
- Aeronautica
- Automoción
- Evento
- Ingeniería del SW
- Proyecto
- Salud
- Sistemas distribuidos
- Sistemas Embebidos
General assembly of SafeCer Project
SafeCer Project is approching its ending (in March of 2015) and an interesting meeting was held the 23th, 24th and 25th of September. The ..
Embedded Group participation in IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2014)
Aitor Arrieta doktoregaia Bartzelonan izan zen Irailaren 16tik 19ra, “IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory A..
XIII RECSI: Anomalien detekzioa komunikazio industrial jabedunetan
Mondragon Unibertsitateko Telematika taldeak XIII. Kriptologia eta Informazioaren Segurtasunari buruzko Espainiar Biltzarrean (RECSI 2014)..