282. REnnovates
Mondragon Unibertsitatea, along with several organizations, has launched the REnnovates project. The objective is to renovate buildings t..
281. Buatxabalta
This year for the first time, the Buatxabalta party was held at the Aretxabaleta campus. It is a party organized by students of the Audiov..
280. Zocco
Three years ago, a group of LEINN students launched a project called Zocco, among other things to help women at risk of social exclusion.
279. Do people flirt at the university?
This time we are going to introduce ourselves at the pintxopote of Mondragón to answer the most important question that the human being h..
278. Huhezinema
Here is Huhezinema again, the Festival of short films in Basque language, this time in its eleventh edition. This year, in addition to see..
277. Former alumni as professor
Sometimes we, students, think that teachers have always been teachers, but many professionals of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, before giving l..
276. PBL Day 2018
Mondragon Unibertsitatea has organized a day on PBL or project-based learning, together with the company Orona, on the campus of Orona Ide..
275. 8th of March
Today, 8th of March, is the Women’s Day and women have been on the streets to fight for their rights.In MU telebista we’ve felt the lack o..
274. University sports competition
Mondragon Unibertsitatea has organized the XVII edition of the University Sport of Euskadi
in the Mondragon and Aretxabaleta sports cente..
273. International Penguin and Panda Day
The students from the first year of the Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation degree have met at an International Penguin and Panda Da..
272. Literary-graphic performance
The students of the first year of the Audiovisual Communication degree have been preparing a literary-graphic performance over the last th..
271. Students and series
Lately TV shows have been gaining success within the field of fiction. We have met with some students to find out about their interests.
270. Solidary projects
16 students coming from 8 Latin American countries are studying the Specialization course on Economic and Social Management for the Develo..
269. Gazte Got Talent
In the Faculty of Business of Oñati have met about fifty students of Bachelor and Vocational Training, with the idea of participating in t..