252. Official opening of the course 2017-2018
The 2017-2018 course has already began on the campus of Eskoriatza with the opening ceremony of the academic year. In the ceremony represe..
251. Goodbye to the seventh season
MUtelebista finished the seventh season. This year has been Ane Zuazubiskar with us, and in this latest report she says goodbye with a rev..
250. Huhezi’s 40 years
40 years ago the School of Teachers was born, which later became the Faculty of Humanities and Education. Several events have been organiz..
249. Design Conferences 2017
Mondragon University organizes design conferences every year to highlight the importance of design. In this seventh edition, sport and des..
248. Best end-of-degree work in basque 2017
Basque language is a valuable tool to carry out any work or project. Precisely to remind us this, as every year Mondragon University and ..
247. Multidisciplinary Lab
60 students from the LEINN and Biomedical Engineering Degrees have been united in Mondragon on the day of Multidisciplinary Lab, with the ..
246. Lanbai fair
The fifth edition of the Lanbai job and training market will be held on 22 June. We have advanced the plans and interviewed some who parti..
245. LEINN students in Boise
LEINN students visit several places in the world. The three friends we met in this week’s report have made a special trip to Boise, to mee..
244. Komunikaldia 2017
Sports, media and gender. The 12th edition of Komunikaldiak in Aretxabaleta has explored the relationship between these three themes.
243. Training of professionals
Mondragon University offers 25 Masters related to the training of professionals. We have met two professionals who participate in these Ma..
242. Huhezinema’s 10th anniversary
The Huhezinema Basque Short Film Festival is celebrating its 10th anniversary and different events have been organized to celebrate it. In..
241. Gazte Got Talent
This year and for the first time, Mondragon University has organized the contest Got Talent. High school students have had to exercise the..
240. Open Doors 2017
Many options and many doubts at the same time. It is not always easy to choose the university studies… From the faculties of Mondragon U..
239. “Lokarriak solte”
Whether writing your own work or simply reading what others have written. Students at the Faculty of Humanities and Education have many op..
238. PBL Day 2017
Hundreds of students from Mondragon University have gathered at Orona Ideo campus in Problem Based Learning Day. Altogether, the students ..