217. “Hezkuntza, berrikuntza” event (course 2015-2016)
Every two years Mondragon University organizes the Berrikuntza (Innovation) day, with the aim of reflecting on strategies of transformatio..
216. Students in the filming “Aundiya”
Mondragon Unversity signed various agreements with companies for students to conduct their practices. Thanks to a agreemente, some student..
215. Official opening of the course 2016-2017
The academic year 2016-2017 has begun in Mondragon University with a ceremony that took place in the Basque Culinary Center. Representativ..
214. Goodbye to the sixth season
After 35 reportages, today we review the highlights of the course 2015/2016 of MUtb. At the same time, we will say goodbye to Patxi, see y..
213. Graduation 2016
Mondragon University has given the degrees of the course 2015/2016. Students began their career in 2012 and they have completed four years..
212. Lanbai fair 2016
The 4th edition of the LANBAI fair opens its doors again this year, with more companies and more job offers than ever. This year, as novel..
211. Former students 2016
After ten years, students who ended their studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences have been reunited in Eskoriatza in ..
210. Euspot 2016
The aim of the contest Euspot spots this year has been to attract tourism to the interior of Gipuzkoa. In total there have been more than ..
209. Open doors 2016
Mondragon University has organized open doors in all of its campuses. These conferences have been open to the public and MUtelebista have ..
208. Lore Festa 2016
Once a year each faculty of Mondragon University organizes it is own party. In the Business faculty they celebrate Lore Festa and today we..
207. Promoting enterprising
Jabi Luengo is a former student of Mondragon University and nowadays he works at Tolosa’s school Hirukide. Jabi is a technology teacher an..
206. Aktion
A group of students from the Faculty of Business Studies has organized Aktion event, in Garaia Innovation Park of Mondragon. Recently the..
205- Best end-of-degree work in basque 2016
For the fifth consecutive year, MONDRAGON group and Mondragon University have awarded the best end-of-degree project written in Basque. Mi..
204. Huhezinema basque shortfilm festival 2016
Fourth grade students of Audiovisual Communication degree have organized the 9th edition of Huhezinema Short Film Festival. In addition, t..
203. Five mayors in Humanities and Education faculty
The Basque Committee of the Faculty of Humanities and Education has organized a discussion about the situation of Basque language with Bas..