157. The new website
The University of Mondragon has renewed the website dedicated to professional learning space. We talked with the responsibles of this rene..
156. Online open doors
And now, what? Many students ask this question when the High School end. The University of Mondragon wants to approach these students and ..
Hezikom, the research group from Mondragon University, has organized a conference regarding the local media and its social values and als..
154. Erasmus students back home
We’re almost at Christmas and many of the students who are abroad return home in holidays. We talked with them about their experiences.
153. Human Development Report
152. A challenge launched by EITB
Communication and LEINN students have been in the campus of Aretxabaleta to face a challenge launched by EITB. There, they have to bu..
151. Odei Esnaola
Odei Esnaola is the former journalist of MU telebista. Last year he finished his studies on communication and now is working on ETB i..
150. And you, how do you live in basque language?
In order to speak about the basque language, Gaztezulo and the council have organized IKA MIZKA in the campus of Oñati. In the meetin..
149. Foreign students in MU
Every year many foreign students come to Mondragon University. This year they are 170 and they have been talking about Basque Countr..
148. Arrowhead
Arrowhead is a project that works on the optimization of energy. In the development of this project take part different organizations..
147. Collaboration Telefonica – MU
Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Telefonica are collaborating on product design and research based on consumer experience. At the conference ..
146. Alumnos y profesores en el Zinemaldi
Several MU students and teachers have participated in the latest edition of the Film Festival San Sebastian. We talked with them to k..
145. Clap Shoes
Five LEINN students design and sell shoes. They are known as CLAP SHOES and their main objective is to offer customers innovative and..
144. Kimu Berri
Kimu berri is an initiative that seeks to promote entrepreneurship among young people. University of Mondragon students have presente..
143. Remix of last year conferences
Last year, Mondragon Unibertsitatea organized many seminars, conferences and events. Among others, Ekiten and Euspot competitions, an..