142. Oficial start of the academic year 2014-2015
The Polythechnic School held the opening event to begin the new academic year at Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Different authorities of C..
141. Goodbye to the fourth season
MUtelebista finished the fourth season. This year has been Garazi Ayesta with us and in this latest report she says goodbye with a review ..
140. Lanbai
Mondragon University, in collaboration with the city of Mondragon and Lanbide, has organized the second edition of Lanbai market. About 80..
139. The month of the Master
MU has organized the month of the Master of MU, where informative markets have taken place in Bilbao, in San Sebastian and in Vitoria. The..
138. Meetings among alumni
The MUkide project has organized meetings among alumni who studied ten years ago in Mondragon. In these meetings, the alumni were able to ..
137. MEI
MEI is an organization that has the support of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Alecop and MONDRAGON Corporation. MEI aims to create an internati..
136. Innovation on Education
For the second time, the faculty of Humanities and Education has organized sessions about innovation on education. Formation needs of teac..
135. AktiON!
The cooperative Login Lab and “Arizmendiarrietaren Lagunak” association have organized for the second year the AktiON! event, in order to ..
134. Formación para profesionales
Mondragon Unibertsitatea has always been very close to the companies. Therefore, it offers a wide variety of professional learning spaces…
133. Master in Strategic Design of Products and Services in Bilbao
Bilbao will also host the Master in Strategic Design of Products and Services from september. The aim of the Master is to prepare professi..
132. Health Week
The sports department of Mondragon Unibertsitatea organized the “health week” from the 7th to 11th of April. The aim was to give importanc..
131. Huhezinema 2014
Huhezinema, the festival of basque short films, has organized its seventh edition between the 26th and the 28th of march. Guided by a teac..
130. Robotek
Students from Vocational Training of the PolytechnicSchool of Mondragon have travelled to Holland to compete in the international competit..
129. Sons of the former students in MU
Since Mondragon Unibertsitea was created, thousands of students have completed studies in this faculties. Nowadays, some of the sons of th..
128. La-Steps
Graffiti: Art or dirt? La-Steps cooperative, created by some students of Mondragon University, has spent two years developing artistic and..