22. Komunikaldiak: intellectual property
This report informs about the latest edition of the Komunikaldiak conference, organized by the Communication department of Mondragon Unive..
21. College life
This report reflects the initiatives that are being organized in all faculties to revive college life in Mondragon University. In this cas..
20. Muniversitas magazine
MUniversitas is the corporate magazine of Mondragon University, and has just celebrated its fifth anniversary. For this reason, MUtelebist..
19. Prize to the best project in Basque language
Mondragon University and Mondragon Corporation have agreed to reward the best final project submitted in Basque language for college stude..
18. To eat around the university
This report shows how people manage (teachers, students and workers) to eat around the university: in the cafeteria of the university, in..
17. Our students abroad
Mondragon University increasingly sends more students abroad to complete their studies there. In this video, we interviewed several of the..
16. Alecop
This video explains what is Alecop, a student’s cooperative created by Mondragon University, to ensure the alternation between work and st..
15. University library
This video shows Mondragon University’s library: on the one hand, the libreries in each faculty, and, on the other, the services offered..
14. Eko3r project
The company Eko3r was created our of a research project developed in unison between Mondragon University and various organizations. The ..
13. Mondragon Unibertsitatea has revamped its website
(Euskara) Mondragon Unibertsitateak berritu egin du unibertsitatearen webgunea. Webgune berritua hobeto egokitzen da gaur egungo pantailetara, diseinu garbiagoa du eta lekua egin die blog, telebista eta sare sozialei.
12. Student´s bands at Mondragon University
Mondragon University does not offer musical studies. However, some students are part of several musical groups that cultivate different st..
11. Abroad students at Mondragon University
More and more foreign students come to Mondragon University. Most come from Europe and South America. This report includes their views o..
10. The Bidasoa campus
This time our reporters have moved to Irun, to the campus of Bidasoa, where GADE and LEINN grades are taught. Moreover, during the Week..
9. Konponbit
Erreportaje honetan Ingeniaritzako ikasle talde batek azaltzen du zelan sortu zuten Konponbit enpresa, finantzatzeko ikasbidaia, Japoniara joan nahi zuten-eta. Azaltzen dute, halaber, zelan antolatu zuten Kpnponbit, zer ezaugarri dituen eta zelan dabilen.
8. Science Week at the Garaia campus
The Science Week took place at the Garaia campus in Mondragon. Our reporters accompanied a group of students from different schools and we..