Medium Voltage Laboratory
Mondragon Unibertsitatea offers companies this laboratory for testing power electronics systems in real conditions. Capacity to opera..
Industrial Doctorates in Education
Jaione Uriarte, member of Euskal Herriko Ikastolen Elkartea and Mikel Artola, head of Educational Innovation at Bertsozale Elkartea, ..
Ondubide 2030: Open Space
Maddi, Igor and Maider are three Global Digital Humanities (HDG) students completing their second year of grade. This course they wor..
Collaboration of the Master in Logical and Productive Operations Management and ATIK
ATIK Automotive has been collaborating with Mondragon Unibertsitatea for several years. In this video, Aitor Gómez, a student at the ..
Mondragon Unibertsitatea in figures
Our university is growing little by little and in this video we can see the data of what we offer.
More information: https://www…
(Español) Mondragon Unibertsitatea en cifras
Sorry, this entry is only available in Basque and European Spanish.
(Euskara) Mondragon Unibertsitatea Zenbakitan
Sorry, this entry is only available in Basque.
International Students: Master in Digital Marketing
International students: Master’s degree in Digital Marketing Many international students come every year to study to Mondragon Univer..
Women in Science and Technology: Ecotechnology and Energy Engineering Projects.
In this video, students from Ecotechnology Engineering and Energy Engineering explain to us the details of the recently completed pro..
Women in Science and Technology: Computer, Electronics and Mechanics Projects.
In this video, the students of Computer Engineering, Electronics and Mechanics explain to us the details of the recently completed pr..
Engineering projects for sustainable development
In this video, students from the Biomedical Technology Master and the Power Electronics Master show us the projects they’ve been work..
Transfer of knowledge from engineering teachers to companies and students
In this video, Laura Oca and Joseba Mendiguren, professors and researchers at Mondragon Unibertsitatea, explain how the transfer of k..
Meet Mondragon Unibertsitatea: mission, vision, values and culture.
Mondragon University is a cooperative university, of public utility, integrated in Mondragon, of social initiative and dedication as ..
Audiovisual Communication Graduate Students’ Television Program: Egun Ero
In recent months, students in the second grade of Audiovisual Communication have produced a Television Program. Local students Ainhiz..
Orkli, in the process of cooperative training and reflection by LANKI.
Through the project called Kooperatzen, Orkli has embarked on a process of cooperative training and reflection by the LANKI Cooperative Re..